Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dream Big

Yesterday, with Jeremy home and all of us in a good mood, we decided to have a big family outing. Where would a family of 5 (three being under the age of three) with no money go in sub zero temperatures in a small town you ask? Well, besides our bi-weekly trip to the dump (anyone who has not been here needs to count their blessings if their trash is picked up by the city), we ventured out to the Home Depot!

Knowing we'll have to sell this most beloved house (I am not being sarcastic, I adore our century-old house) in a year or two, I'm betting on needing to replace the carpet before we get there. I've never shopped for carpet, cabinets, or anything, so we thought we'd just go to dream. We got our fill from the carpet guy, then wandered through wood floor samples (which make fabulous wood blocks for bored children), cabinet and counter displays, new ovens, washers and dryers, dishwashers, and refrigerators. I tell you what, I was blown away. I didn't know there was so much you could do to a home. Let alone the range of prices and varieties for each thing. We were probably only there for an hour before our little brood began to fidget and fuss, and we walked out of there with stars in our eyes of someday doing some big project on a future home.

Home we went and carried on with the rest of our Saturday. However, when it came time to start cleaning and I spent a bit too much time pulling things out of our carpet and almost hand feeding it to our decrepit vacuum cleaner, we both realized the first home-improvement project we should really be saving for is a working vacuum cleaner. We are dreamin' big.

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