Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Other January Updates Before I Forget

Katie, Sydney, and Cora have all started a gymnastics class. I'm not sure the teachers know what to do with us, but the girls love all of the climbing and rolling, hanging, and balancing.

I read the Last of the Mohicans because a friend recommended it. She told me one of the main characters was a Cora who was very strong. It was a pretty violent book and the first chapter is a beast to get through because of all the historical back ground that gets covered, but the plot after that is amazing and I loved the story. The location is only 2 1/2 hours drive from here, so I'm hoping to take the girls to see it in the summer (it was around Ft Edward and Ft William George in NY during the French and Indian War).

I got called to be the ward Girls Camp director! I think if they would have asked anything else I would have bawled my eyes out, but I can't tell you how excited I am for this.

Jeremy went to Boston for a board review last week and he's headed out to Ecuador for a couple of weeks this Wednesday. I'm excited for him. I wish we could drive somewhere warm while he's down by the equator, but since that'd be at least a two day drive for us, I don't think it'll happen. I'll just have to settle with the Glen Canyon back ground of my Yoga videos.

There's so much more I want to say about all of this. That and about Brahms Requiem that we're doing in Handel Society, what I think about oil, we're probably going to get a pellet stove so we can afford to keep our house warm, Jeremy and I went swing dancing a few weeks ago, the girls love to strip themselves whenever they wake up, I gave Pele a bath, um, I can't think of what else, but hopefully I can be more detailed next month.


Melanie said... always have a lot going on. I guess we all do.

That is very exciting news for both you and Jeremy. I'm glad they gave you a calling that you love (and will totally be awesome for.)

Camille English said...

You made it to two! We are at four with our twins and seriously it's awesome. They have great imaginations and love to play with each other they are best friends and even our Katie gets in on it most of the time.
Yay for finding time to read! I love the historical fiction.
Girls camp would be such a fun calling. You'll be so fantastic as a leader.
I love all the good news! Yay for 2012!