I take it back, maybe we are drowning. Just kidding. He's so awesome with all the girls and they really love their dad. I was doing a little math in my head as we hit so many mile stones this summer. We currently have one dog, who we love dearly. She's been the best dog we could have asked for as she is so gentle with the girls and doesn't mind cleaning up after them either.
We've owned our first house together for a year now. This picture was taken shortly after we moved in last year.
Those were the ones, here comes the twos.
Katie hit two years old this last Friday. This is her birthday cake. My first try at decorating one and it took forever. Honestly, it didn't even taste that good. But I guess I was never a cake fan to begin with and she sure enjoyed making it.
This is the morning Katie was born in Spokane, WA.
This is Katie the week of her first birthday last year.
And here's her dramatically posed on her second birthday. I can't believe how much she can say and do now. She currently switches from terrible toddler to loving angel within seconds. She loves to yell "no" and say "I listen to mommy. Obey. I love mommy." I'll bet you do. She also says "I being patient" when I make her wait for a drink. My favorite sayings are still "elfalent" (for elephant) and "fodder mountain" (for water fountain). She wants to do everything "all be the self" and then tells me "good choice" after she picks something. She has such a beautiful laugh and is so aware of everything. She steals your heart and gives the best loves. She loves "rockabye" when it's time for bed, loves to sing at the top of her lungs some songs that we know and others that she just makes up. We pick tomatoes together, water the plants, and do crazy dances. I can't believe how much our lives have changed because of her. There are definitely some days I would love to strangle her, but I would never give up everything I'm gaining from her. She truly enriches our lives, our souls, and melts my heart. And if she's survived the first two years of her life (and so have we), then there's hope that we'll make it that far with the twins. (Let's not get started about ages 12 and 13 though.)
Another two. These two continue to grow, love to eat, and Cora just cut two teeth yesterday.
How cute is tubby-time? Well, not always so cute. After I'd drained the water and pulled out Sydney to dry her, Cora tried to reach the plug and fell on the drain instead, cutting her little nose. It will be a miracle if these two make it to year two.
Three. That's how many children we have. Three amazing girls, that look like clones of each other, that act at times so much like their mom or dad and other times are so much their own selves.
And the other three. Three years for us. We were married July 17th, 2007. I think we can't believe it's already been three years, yet also feel like it should be at least five for having lived in three different states, worked in three different hospitals, and have three children. Trust me, we're not aiming for four of anything other than years together next year. I'm still amazed though when I look at my wonderful husband. We both had our trials before we found each other and it was such a miracle we did. I've learned so much from him and feel so blessed to have a life and family together. He is an amazing father, a very patient and loving husband, and so fun to be with. We had no idea we'd be where we are now, and honestly have no idea where we'll be three years from now. But we know we'll be together.
Here we are going for a dip in the Norwich Pool, which is really a pond in the woods. We definitely need dates now and again, and this was a winner!
Wow...so much has happened for you guys in three years. Whew...time to step back and take a deep breath. In....out....Okay, now back to life. :)
Just wait for the day when people stop asking 'are they twins?' and start asking 'are they triplets?' They all look so much alike.
Congratulations on 3 years!
We're coming up on 4!
I"m so glad I found your blog. (Thanks to Melissa) It was really fun to see what you've been up to. Your house is beautiful, your girls are beautiful, your dog is beautiful....I think your life in general looks beautiful. I think you look so much like your mom in the pictue at Norwich Pool. Take care.
Jenn Brown
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