Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the hospital we go....

Our blessed festivities somehow brought the dark angel of sickness to our entire house. Infections abound and we had to take Sydney to the hospital yesterday where she received a couple of breathing treatments. She received another one this evening and tomorrow morning we're going back to see if she needs to be admitted to the hospital or if she's on the mend. Nothing like a mysterious illness to keep you on the edge of your seat (RSV? Reactive airway? Pneumonia? Or just a nasty cold that is ravaging her poor little body?) We were finally gaining weight again! Jeremy's on call tonight and I'm just trying to think of other things while I'm really hoping I don't need to call the neighbors (who so graciously offered to come at the drop of a hat) in the middle of the night to take Syd to the hospital. She's super wheezy, her respiration rate gets pretty high, and she can't seem to stop coughing. It's funny how you can feel very grateful and blessed, and overwhelmed and on the verge of tears at the same time. So I'm just killing time putting up pictures when I should be crawling in bed.

This is when we first got back. I got all three of the gals in the wagon and we walked to the cemetery and back. They all thought it was great fun. So did I until Sydney decided to check out what was over the edge.
Ah, memories of my clean-shaven husband. It's now winter and he's growing one manly beard. They call him "Winter Jeremy" at work.

Alas, a typical family scene - the diaper change pajama party on the kitchen floor!
There's our little Sydvicious - pre-sick - toddling between the two of us.
What they really like to do is Syd rides it and Cora pushes her. This tandem ride didn't last too long.
The comment about not enough snow last post? It snowed that night and the next day. We got about 20 inches and a lot of cold wind. It's beautiful, but I haven't dared to take the sickies out yet. Pele loved digging her little holes in the snow to curl up in.
No pictures, please. (It's Cora)
This is what Amy, Katie, and I did the real Christmas morning while Jeremy was on call. We were given this awesome train set by our neighbors who's son never opened it. I was determined to figure out a way to have them all connect.
This was the pageant our kids put on Christmas Eve. Katie was so excited to be an angel, though I think she had no clue what was really going on.
I best be going to bed now. I've been hearing the three of them take turns coughing on and off. Here's to my call shift at home!


Melanie said...

Oh...poor little baby. I hope all is getting better. We, too, have been to the hospital for breathing treatments. NO FUN! Our arch nemesis has been CROUP! Good Luck.

Camille English said...

Oh my gosh you have the cutest kids!

We have avoided the nebulizer so far this year.