Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Best Helper EVER

Katie is my little shadow. She wants to do everything with me. We have a little black stool that she moves around the kitchen to stand with me wherever I am - making toast, cooking, washing the dishes, using the microwave. She also loves to help with the girls. She buckles every buckle in this house - her high chair, the girls' swings, the car seats, anything she can and says "Katie did it. I did it!" She even decided to change Sydney's diaper for me. I had taken Cora in the other room and when I came back Katie had unbuttoned Sydney's onesie, taken off her diaper and was wiping her bum. Then she put the wipe in the diaper and took it to the trash. She's hired! I just need to teach her to put a new diaper on. Katie also loves to play in the water, so I let her help me water the garden.

She loves to spray herself in the face and say "I a wet cookie!"
This is her telling me "I a wet cookie."
You just can't find hired help like this. Isn't this why we have kids? Slave labor?
She figured out she wasn't tall enough to turn the swings on, so she moved her little stool over to make sure her dollies could swing like the babies do.
This is the face she pulls when you ask her to smile. She closes her eyes and shows her teeth.
Laughing at Pele. I had to get a couple of real smiles up.
She has no fear of anything and climbs on whatever she can. No severe accidents yet.
And jumping in her little pool. "I making waves!" is what she loves to say in her pool.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

oh my gosh, LOOK at her HAIR! That last photo is AMAZING, I can't believe how cute her hair is!! She's such a doll, I can't wait to see her in just a few weeks! And I can't believe how much she's talking, it's crazy. Girls are so smart. :)