Sunday, May 16, 2010

Welcome to Toddlerhood

Between the ICU schedule and a run down to Boston to watch his buddy play in a Red Sox game, I didn't see Jeremy much for 2 1/2 days earlier this week. Dear, sweet Katie has been fighting a mild cold, I think getting some teeth moving around, and has been the whiniest girl for about 2 weeks. I feel so bad for her and at the same time want to strangle her. Tantrum after tantrum about keeping her coat on, going outside, getting some milk, even just agreeing with her has sent her into tirades. And an all day onslaught of "Katie tired, Katie sad, no, no, no, rock-a-bye" and "run away" had me ready to run away. Jeremy came home from his call Wednesday afternoon to me rocking her with a thing of milk before her nap and asked me why I was rocking her. I told him it was either rock her or kill her. Truth be told, it's almost unfair how much in my head I expect her to be older than she is because there are two other babies in the house. I think we do well most of the time, but I can tell Katie and I wear each other out every now and then. She and I did have a lot of fun yesterday and she did well at Stake Conference today. I'll bet a lot of this is normal for a toddler and I just need to take in the good days to balance out the bad ones. She will out grow this, maybe just in time for the twins to start it.
Here she is in her Piglet hoodie again and my slippers.
Cora and Sydney puking on their blanket.

They're both grabbing things now. Cora is a thumb sucker and Sydney goes for her first two fingers. Cora loves to look at you and scream and squeak to talk. Sydney does as well, just not a much screeching as Cora.
Sydney and the Mama bear.
Puky Cora screaming at me. (It's a happy scream.)
These pretty things are growing in front of our porch. I love looking out the kitchen window and seeing red flowers.

Sydney and Cora again. Poor things have another doctor appointment Tuesday where they will be shot with more immunizations. I'm excited to see how much they've grown!


Kristin said...

Katie is the cutest little piglet! And your girls (all three) look so much alike. You two parents must have a mold for your kids! :) They're beautiful.

Melanie said...

Toddlerhood does go away. Just hang on.

I know just how you feel about Katie. We do expect our older children to perform like adults. When I sit and think about it I still remember my 6 year old is still a "baby" in the eternal scheme of things.

Melissa said...

haha, this post is hilarious. :) I can TOTALLY relate with the whole tantrum thing...I can only watch my kid throw himself violently onto the tile floor to writhe, kick, scream, hit so many times until I want to throw him outside to live with the wild animals. And you know, he just might like it...okay, not really, but it's nice to hear I'm not the only one with limitations on my sanity. Good thing they're cute enough when they're not screaming at you to make up for it! :)